Dr. Csaba Sükösd
honorary professor, retired
Last working place:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Institute of Nuclear Techniques
Video portrait (in Hungarian)
Education background
– diplome physicist, Eötvös University Budapest, Faculty of Natural Sciences (1966 – 1971)
– high school: József Attila Secondary School Budapest, (1961 – 1965)
Scientific grade:
– Candidate of Physical Sciences (PhD) Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1983)
– Doctor of University: Eötvös University Budapest, Faculty of Natural Sciences (1975)
Language skills:
French, German, English
Actual title and working place:
– Honorary professor (retired) Budapest University of Technolog and Economics, Institue of Nuclear Techniques (2013- )
Previous titles and working places:
– deputy director in Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institue of Nuclear Techniques (1994-2013)
– assoc. professor in Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Nuclear Techniques (1992-2013)
– head of department in Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Nuclear Techniques (1998-2011)
– deputy dean in Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Natural Sciences (1998-2007)
– assoc. professor in Eötvös University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics (1984-1992)
– prof. adjoint in Eötvös University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physic (1975-1983)
– assistant in Eötvös University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physic (1971-1974)
Research experiences abroad:
1973-74 Centre de Recherches Nucléaires Saclay, France
(scientific co-worker with a fellowship)
1978-80 Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Germany, Institut für Kernphysik I.
(invited scientific researcher)
1984-85 Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Germany, Institut für Kernphysik I.
(invited scientific researcher)
1992-94 Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut de Physique Nucléaire
(altogether 9 months, invited professor with the fellowship of the EU and the Belgian government)
– “Eugene Wigner award” (2011), (PDF)
– “Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic” (2009)
– “Faculty Excellence” Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Natural Sciences (2007)
– “Dolphine Award for Educators” (2007), (JPG)
– “Széchenyi Professorship Award” (1999-2003)
– “Excellent Worker of Education” (1977)
Fields of research
– Experimental nuclear physics, neutron physics, nuclear fission, nuclear reactions, giant resonances,
– Radioactive beams, nuclear astrophysics,
– Environmental radiations and the radon.
Previously (before 1992):
– Experimental atomic and molecular physics,
– Electronspin-resonance,
– High temperature superconductors.
Membership and positions in professional organisations and civil societies:
– Secretary of the Nuclear Physics Division of the Eötvös Physical Society (1986-1991),
– Member of the Nuclear Physics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1990-93, 2014 – )
– Member of the National Committe of IRPA (1991- 1993)
– Secretary general of the Hungarian Nuclear Society (1992-94)
– Member of the Steering Committee of the Hungarian Nuclear Society (1998-2001)
– Vice-president of the Hungarian Nuclear Society (2012- )
– President of the Hungarian Nuclear Society (2004-2007)
– Member of the Information Committe of the European Nuclear Society (ENS) (1994-2002)
– Vice-president of the Eötvös Physical Society (1996-1998, 2006-2011, 2013-2015 )
– Secretary of the Hungarian Pugwash Committee (1997-2000)
– Member of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Physics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1997-2011)
– President of the Board of Trustees of the Budapest Science Center (1998-2003)
– President of the Steerng Committee of the National Leo Szilárd Physics Competition (2003- )
– Member of the Editorial Board of “Fizikai Szemle” (Hungarian Physical Review) (1998 – )
– Member of the Board of Governors of the “European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association” (2003-2009 )
Educational activities
University lectures (in Hungarian):
– nuclear physics, nuclear techniques for students of physics and physics teachers of the Eötvös University (1972-92),
– atomic and molecular physics, for physics teachers students of the Eötvös University (1985-93)
– selected topics from nuclear physics, nuclear techniques, nuclear energy and radiation protection (1973-92),
– Nuclear and Particle Physics I. for engineer-physicists of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1992-2011)
– Modern nuclear methods for engineer-physicists of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1992-2008 together with other lecturers)
– Seminars on Nuclear Techniques for engineer-physicists of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1992-2011)
– Seminars on Nuclear Techniques for Physics MSc students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2009- )
– Techniques in Radiology for medical-biology engineering students of BME-SOTE (1994-2006 together with other lecturers)
– Nuclear and Neutron Physics for Energy engineer BSc students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2006- )
– Fundamentals of Envronmental Protection for Physics BSc students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2007- )
– Nuclear Physics for Physics MSc students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2009 – )
– Issues of nuclear Disarmement for general audience of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2000 – together with other lecturers)
University lectures in English:
– Nuclear physics and nuclear techniques Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1992),
– Nuclear Physics MSc and PhD program of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1994-1998)
– Radiation Physics MSc and PhD program of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1997-2003)
– Nuclear Physics program of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics for student from the Duisburg University (2014- )
– Nuclear Fundamentals nuclear knowledge upgrading program for educational professionals from Viet-nam (2013- )
Laboratory practices (in Hungarian):
– Nuclear Physics Laboratory for physics students of the Eötvös University Budapest (1972-1992)
– Nuclear Physics Laboratory for physics teacher students of the Eötvös University Budapest (1985-2003)
– Electronics Laboratory for geophysics, biology and geology students of the Eötvös University Budapest (1972-1988),
– Advanced Laboratory in Reactor Physics for physics students of the Eötvös University Budapest (1995-2003)
– Several participation in the laboratories for physics BSc and MSc students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2006- )
Laboratory practices in English:
– Reactor physics lab. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1993)
– Laboratory for the students of the “Eugene Wigner Course for Reactor Physics Experiments” (2003-2007)
Educational activities outside the regular university programs:
– Regular organisation and management of, and delivering lectures in nuclear and radiological professional trainings for high school physics teachers (1985-2000)
– Developing and delivering the physics courses for the post-graduate training of “Human-ecologists” (1989-1998)
– Initiating, developing and coordinating a TEMPUS grant application for creating a high level informatics laboratory (ELTE,1991-1993).
– Annually organising and leading the Hungarian Teachers’ Program in CERN for high school physics teachers (2006- )
– Organising the Hungarian Science on Stage Festival (see “Színpadon a Természettudomány” in Hungarian) 2. October 2010.
– Organising the Hungarian Science on stage Festival (see “Színpadon a Természettudomány” in Hungarian) 11. October 2014.
– Leading the Hungarian delegation to the Science on Stage Festival 2011 to Copenhagen.
E-mail: sukosd(at)reak.bme.hu