Exercise 2. Observe how long it takes for a radioactive material to disappear completely! Enter the following values for the decay constants:
Run the simulation in single step mode, and observe how long it takes for all the 200 initial nuclei to decay!
Run the simulation several times (e.g. 10 times) and note the time values you got! Questions:
a) Determine the half-life of the blue nuclei! Compare your result with the theoretical values
 where is the decay constant.
b) Can you find undecayed blue nuclei after 100 time-steps? How many times is this time interval (100 time-steps) larger than the expexted half-life?
c) The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Can materials with much shorter half-life, which were formed at the same time as the Earth, still exist? | If you would like to see the simulation in full screen, please click here. |