
An example for "
A" type class

Basics of thermodynamics

Kinetic gas model
The molecules can interact with each other and the wall.
The pressure of the gas comes from the interaction of the wall with the molecule.

P               Kinetic gas model

Pressure on the surface. Pressure of N particles

 Presure of the surface


The temperature of the gas is determined by the average kinetic energy of the particles.

Average kinetic energy



Diffusion of two different types of gas.
Gases of different particles penetrate through each other, and get mixed.
Equipartition theorem:

Equipartition theoreme Equipartition theoreme

Gas Laws

Izothermic process (
T -const.)

Gay-Lussac I.
Izobar process (p -const.)

Gay-Lussac II.
Izochor process (V -const.)

Unified Gas Law   


Gases in gravitational field
(atmosphere of the earth)

The particles move but also gravity affects them.
The density on the surface is higher than at the top of the hills or higher above.

Brownian motion


Observation of dust particles from the direction of light coming from a slide projector.
Permanent unregular movement, zigzagged trace.

Brown experiment

Cause: the large observable particle gets unregular pushes from the particles of the gas or fluid.

Heat engine
Carnot cycle
Cooling machine

Diesel engine